러시아 아이스하키리그(KHL)의 로코모티브 선수단이 탄 비행기가 7일(현지시간) 러시아 중부 야로슬라블주의 투노슈나 공항에서 이륙하던 중 추락해 최소 43명이 사망하는 참변이 발생했다.
epa02903123 A TV grab taken from the Russian NTV channel shows the burning Russian Yak-42 passenger plane which crashed while taking off not far from Yaroslavl airport Tunoshna, Russia, 07 September 2011. A passenger plane with an ice hockey team aboard crashed in central Russia on 07 September 2011, leaving an estimated 44 dead, the Interfax news agency reported. Officials at Russia's state aviation agency Rosaviatsia said the plane had just taken off from an airport near the central Russian city of Yaroslavl, some 250 kilometres north-east of Moscow, when it suddenly veered to the left and then struck the ground some 500 metres from the airport. EPA/NTV < 연합뉴스 모바일앱 다운받기 > < 포토 매거진 > < 저작권자(c)연합뉴스. 무단전재-재배포금지. >