아래 홍콩에서 11월에27일부터30일 약10개국 16팀 참가할 예정으로
한국팀을 초청했습니다,
이에 희망자를 모집합니다,
이경기는 공식대회가 아닌관계로 부득히 자비로 가야할겄같습니다,
참가비:선수당 300 HKD (45,000 원)
비행기왕복 약400,000 총 65만원 정도 소요예상
경기일은 약4일간(목,금,토,일)
홍콩 YMCA에서 직접 운영 하는 호텔에서 숙박을 주선 해 줄수있는조건.
가격은 다음과 같습니다.
일반 객실 (2인용) HKD 380 (57,000 원)
일반 객실 + 간이 침대 (3인용): HKD 510 (76,500 원)
Dorm (4인용): HKD 580 (87,000 원)
참가희망자는 연합회로 개별접수
아래내용은 홍콩 사이트에기재된 요강입니다
2003 will see KPCC host the third staging of the largest inline hockey tournament in Asia: The YMCA of Hong Kong Invitational Inline Hockey Tournament. This year's event promises to be bigger, better and faster than the 2002 installment, which was enjoyed by 12 teams from all over Asia.
This year, teams have been invited from the following countries:
Hong Kong
Great Britain
New Zealand
If you are interested in competing, either as an individual or as a team, please email Ross Parker for local applications, or Doug Cole for international applications.
Dates: 27th-30th of November (Thursday-Sunday)
Venue: YMCA King's Park Centenary Center
Categories: Men's and Women's
More Information
As we gett closer to the tournament, we will be adding more information to these pages, such as team profiles, player profiles, schedules and information about Hong Kong, so make sure to check the site soon.
For more information on last year's tournament, please click here.
한국팀을 초청했습니다,
이에 희망자를 모집합니다,
이경기는 공식대회가 아닌관계로 부득히 자비로 가야할겄같습니다,
참가비:선수당 300 HKD (45,000 원)
비행기왕복 약400,000 총 65만원 정도 소요예상
경기일은 약4일간(목,금,토,일)
홍콩 YMCA에서 직접 운영 하는 호텔에서 숙박을 주선 해 줄수있는조건.
가격은 다음과 같습니다.
일반 객실 (2인용) HKD 380 (57,000 원)
일반 객실 + 간이 침대 (3인용): HKD 510 (76,500 원)
Dorm (4인용): HKD 580 (87,000 원)
참가희망자는 연합회로 개별접수
아래내용은 홍콩 사이트에기재된 요강입니다
2003 will see KPCC host the third staging of the largest inline hockey tournament in Asia: The YMCA of Hong Kong Invitational Inline Hockey Tournament. This year's event promises to be bigger, better and faster than the 2002 installment, which was enjoyed by 12 teams from all over Asia.
This year, teams have been invited from the following countries:
Hong Kong
Great Britain
New Zealand
If you are interested in competing, either as an individual or as a team, please email Ross Parker for local applications, or Doug Cole for international applications.
Dates: 27th-30th of November (Thursday-Sunday)
Venue: YMCA King's Park Centenary Center
Categories: Men's and Women's
More Information
As we gett closer to the tournament, we will be adding more information to these pages, such as team profiles, player profiles, schedules and information about Hong Kong, so make sure to check the site soon.
For more information on last year's tournament, please click here.